The Retail IOT Revolution
Making the Physical Store a Digital Asset
Vusion Electronic Shelf Tags
The most advanced electronic shelf labelling technology. VUSION Price labels have unique and key features to digitize physical retail. Digital price tags enhance responsiveness, precision and quality in pricing execution. They effectively take the pain out of changing manual paper labels, therefore freeing associates' time so they focus on higher-value-added tasks such as customer service.
VUSION Engage connects retailers and brands to deliver digital campaigns in physical stores. Reaching shoppers at the shelf, when they are considering buying a product, Engage enables retailers to better monetize their foot traffic and brands to achieve higher returns on ad spend.
How much time, paper, and ink,could you save by switching to Electronic Shelf Labels?
Informational Downloads
ESL Vusion 1.6 BWRESL Vusion 2.2 BWR
ESL Vusion 2.6 BWR
ESL Vusion 4.2 BWR
ESL Vusion 7.4 BWR
ESL Core Technologies
Vusion Fixings
Vusion Engage Rail 2FT Datasheet
Vusion Engage Rail 3FT Datasheet
Vusion Engage Rail 4FT Datasheet